6 years have passed since the international course was established
at Hamamatsu Kita High School
where I am teaching English.
This international course seems to have grown out of its baby stage into its boyhood (or I should say girlhood, 'cause we have far more girls).
This course has produced more than 120 graduates, most of whom are now studying at many prestigious universities all over Japan or even abroad.
In some years we'll find some of them contributing to the international society, as businessmen, interpreters, lawyers and so on.
This page is for those graduates and people who may get interested in the educational system this course offer.
Your frank opinion to Hamamatsu Kita High's international course will be welcomed. I'm sure your opinion will be of great help to those who are studying at this course.
Notice for the present and former international course students
Forum for 3rd
Forum for 6th
Link of knowledge and information for international course students
American National Library
NSF(US Ministry of Education)
Digital Libraries '95,
A Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries (ADL'95),
Proceedings of Digital Libraries '94
Carnegy Melon University
Stanford university
Barkley university
Michigan university
Cyber Publishing Home Page
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Subject Catalogue