第一学年 英語G 期末テスト
1) The knife I cut the bread was sharp.
2) Man is the only animal which can use fire.
3) The man who I believe is responsible for the accident is the engineer.
4) Japan is quite different from how it used to be.
5) Kyoto is the city where I want to visit.
6) Do you believe the reason why she told us?
7) He began to cry, that was a surprise to us.
8) Ken's watch is very more expensive than mine.
9) Kyoto is the most beautiful in autumn.
10) Kate is stronger than any other girls in our class.
11) Ken is gentler than kind.
12) If you hadn't helped me then I would have been dead now.
13) She talked as if she had known nothing.
14) It is about time I am going to bed.
15) The population of China is larger than Japan.
1) Without this, refrigerator is nothing but a iron box. What is it?
2) Without this, When I feel hungry at home, I will open the door of it. What is it?
3) On rainy days I need this desperately. What is it?
4) When I think of my old days, I feel like seeing this. What is it?
5) When I get very busy, I wish I had one beside me. What is it?
1) He speaks French very well.(Whatで始めて)
2) I am a member of the tennis club. (beを使わずに)
3) Do you want me to mail this letter for you? (Shallで始めて)
4) You must take care of this girl. (受動態に)
5) He asked me a question.(第3文型に)
5、次の括弧の中の動詞を適当な時制にせよ。そのままでよいときはそのまま書け。 (20)
1) I (learn) English for several years.
2) We (know) Mr. Smith since they came to live in Japan.
3) I thanked him for many kindness he (show) me.
4) I (read) this book twice bye the time school begins in September.
5) I will lend you the book when I (do) with it.
6) I (hear) that he has got a new car.
7) The twins (resemble) each other so much that everyone can't tell which is which.
8) Ask him to wait. I (have) breakfast now.
9) All roads (lead) to Rome.
10) Please wait here till he (wake) up.
11) I don't know if it (snow) tomorrow.
12) When I walked past the house, some men (paint) it.
13) If you don't marry her, she (marry) someone else in the end.
14) We will not go on a picnic if it (rain) tomorrow.
15) Three years (pass) since they got married.
16) He (go) fishing half an hour ago.
17) He (be) ill for these two weeks.
18) She lost the pen that I (give) her as a birthday present.
19) Tome usually (go) to school by bus.
20) Please call me up as soon as you (get) there.
6、次の各文のイタリック体の部分は主語(S)、補語(C)、目的語(O)、修飾語(M)のど れになっているか記号で答えよ。(10)
1) The patient seems better today.
2) The best man for the job will be you.
3) In the middle of the table was a vase of flowers.
4) How tall your daughter has grown!
5) The castle stands on the hill.
6) He remained silent with his eyes closed.
7) These grapes taste sour.
8) There is a beautiful picture on the wall.
9) They usually call me Bill.
10) The old man left his son a large fortune.
7、次の文に誤りがあれば指摘して直せ、なければ○を書け。 (5)
1) Tom married with an older woman.
2) Let's discuss about the matter.
3) My car was approaching the city.
4) He explained me the problem.
5) I was graduated from Shizuoka university.
8、空欄にbe動詞以外の動詞の過去形を入れて文を完成せよ。 (5)
1) He ( ) silent during the meeting.
2) Shiro ( ) a guide dog.
3) The knife ( ) cold.
4) You ( ) very charming yesterday.
5) Her voice always ( ) sweet when she was young.
1) I ( 2 ) her house yesterday. = I visited her house yesterday.
2) I ( 2 ) her every week.= She writes a letter to me every week.
3) She ( 2 ) her children. = She takes care of her children.
4) UN ( 2 ) United Nations. = UN means United Nations.5) I can't ( 2 ) what he said. = I can't understand what he said.
(a) 動詞の種類と五文型の関係
(b) 英語の12の時制について