第一学年 英語R 期末テスト
1、Answer each question according to the textbook. The number given at the end of each question is the maximum number of the words you can use for your answer. (5x4=20)
1) Explain the lives of the European freshwater eel. (40)
2) Explain the two theories about lemmings "mass suicides".3) What do the city smellers do? (40)
4) What kind of club is the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club? (40)
1、彼は一日に十時間ほど火事探しに時間を費やす。 2、筆跡の気に入らない人なんかと私はデートしない。 3、観衆は最新流行の服を着ていた。
3、次の英文の空欄に適語を入れたのち話の順番に並び変えよ。ただし最初と最後は 指定されている。(6+4=10)
1) Pa said," This creek is pretty high, but I think we can make ( ).
a) At the top of the bank the horses stood ( ).
b) Pa went a long way ( ) the creek bank looking for Jack.
c) Laura looked back ( ) while they continued their journey.
d) For a long time the wagon swayed and swung. Mary cried and Laura felt
( ).
e) Cold shivers ran up Laura's spine and her ( ).
f) Pa took his gun out of the wagon and was ( ) at those green eyes in the grass.
8) Pa shouted, and Laura screamed,"( )!"
Miss Langlois says that a person cannot change his handwriting to( 1 ) others. As soon as she looks at a piece of handwriting, she can ( 2 ) most of the things she needs to know.
Until 1907 the ( 3 ) were all British. But people in more and more countries were playing tennis and the first of many ( 4 ) victories ( 5 ) to an Australian in 1907.
The Arctic tern sees more hours of ( 6 ) than any other ( 7 ) because it ( 8 ) two summers a year --- one in the Arctic region and one in the ( 9 ). These regions have almost ( 10 ) ( 6 ) in summer.
5、Write a proper English word according to each definition. (6)
1) If you are injured in your arm, you will be sure to need this. What is it?
2) This and oxygen are combined into water. What is it?3) This makes perfect. This and theory should go hand in hand.
What is it?
4) Dolphins and whales belong to this category though they look like fish. What is it?
5) If this grows too rapidly, we will have many problems such as housing problem and food shortage. What is it?
1、海抜(3語) 2、代表(1語) 3、大群をなして(3語)
4、レストラン(1語) 5、優勝する。(3語)
例 "Because you love me a lot, you shall have a third of my country."
L to C (King LearからGonerilへ)
Goneril (G) Regan (R) Cordilia (C) King Lear (L)
The king of France (F) the Earl of Kent or Caius (K)
1) "My dear you are most honest and tender lady. All the people in my country are sure to ( a ) you as may wife.
2) "What are you going to tell me to ( b ) your share?"
3) "You are much dearer to me than the light of my own eyes, liberty, or even life."
4) "I love you ( c ) to my duty as your daughter."
5) "Let her become your wife. But I will not ( d ) your marriage."
6) "You had better not take your daughter's ill ( e ) too seriously.
7) "I have been very ( f ) and I am afraid that I may be nearly mad.
When the ghost and Hamlet were ( 1 ) together, the ghost broke ( 2 ) and said to him, " I am the ghost of your ( 3 ) who was cruelly killed by Claudius. As I was taking a ( 4 ) in my garden, he silently ( 5 )me and poured poisonous juice into my ( 6 ). If you still love me, youmust ( 7 ) my foul murder.
Horatio was about to kill ( 8 ) with the poisoned sword so as to ( 9 ) Hamlet in death. So Hamlet asked him to live on to tell the world this whole story. No ( 10 ) had he heard Horatio's ( 11 ) to comply with his request than his noble heart cracked. All the persons that knew him felt sorry to hear of his ( 12 ) death.
3、次の英文を物語の順番に変えよ。それぞれ3つのグループの中で順番を変えるこ と。さらに空欄に適語を補充せよ。
1) Because the lady whome he loved very much was to go to the party.
a) Romeo, asking who her mother was, discovered that she was young Juliet, daughter and heiress of Lord Capulet.
b) Dancing merrily in the spacious hall, Romeo was suddenly struck with the wonderful beauty of a gracious lady who danced there.
c) To her great regret, she found that he was a Montague, a great ( 1 ) of her family.
d) Rome dared to take her by the hand softly, telling her that he had fallen in love with her.
6) He was on the point of leving the place, when Juliet said to him in a soft voice," I promise you to send my ( 2 ) to you tomorrow."
a) He consented to help him marry her as soon as ( 3 ).
b) Having listened to her words with care, the friar was thinking for some time. Then he seemed to have ( 4 ) upon some good idea.
c) In this way Romeo and Juliet were able to hold a wedding ( 5 ) at the friar's cell.
d) He made up his mind to call on Friar Lawrence, instead of returning home. e) Scarcely had Romeo seen his intimate friend lie dead when he was ( 6 ) himself with anger.
12)At last nurse dared to enter the room, where to her amazement she found Juliet to be dead.
a) Romeo did hope to lie buried with Juliet. So he had to draw his sword so as to fight with Paris.
b) Now most of the things prepared for the grand festival were turned to do the office of a black ( 7 ).
c) So she quickly drew the sword worn by her husband, stabbing herself with.
d) Brave ( 8 ) as he was, he could not help crying for grief, shedding tears.
e) Hardly had he drunk it before he died side by side with Juliet, whom he loved most of all in the world.
18)When the ( 9 ) had been completed both families assembled in front of them.