第一学年 英語R 期末テスト 平成5年12月4日実施 静岡県立浜松北高等学校 1、Answer each question according to the textbook. The number given at the end of each question is the maximum number of the words you can use for your answer. (5x2=10) 1) Explain the difference between 'family style dinner' and 'buffet style dinner'. (50) 2) Granny duddenly changed her way of life. Explain what happened to her and how she changed her way of life. (50) 2、次の略語を正式な英単語にせよ。(5) 1、USA  2、SF  3、SL  4、CPU  5、PC 3、次の日本語を英文にするとき空欄に必要な英語を記せ。  (10) 1)輸送手段がとても発達したので世界のどこでも行ける。   (        )that you can go to almost any place in the world. 2)このパーティでは自由にとって食べていいと思って下さい。    Please (          ) at this party. 3)あれは彼が昔住んでいた家だ。    That is the house (         ). 4)家族の残りの人々は自分の番を確保するのに苦労した。    The (              )their turn. 5)月に修学旅行にいく日も近いでしょう。 ( )we go to the moon on a school trip. 3、次の英文を良く読んで以下の問に答えよ。(7) In America people invite you to their homes by telephone or they ask you to come to their homes (a)when they are with you. If you are invited to a party, you must tell by telephone or letter ( 1 ) you'll come or not. You should arrive ( 2 ) time or ( 3 ) five minutes or so after the party starts. The (b)housewife is usually very ( 4 ) before people come. If you arrive more than 15 minutes ( 5 ), you must tell your host about that by telephone. 1、(1)-(5)に適語を入れよ。 2、(A)(B)をそれぞれ2語、1語の英単語で書き換えよ。 4、次の英文を良く読んで以下の問に答えよ。(11) Mrs. Turner was called Granny. She was an old woman but she was very ( 1 ). She liked new things. But there was one thing she didn'tlike. That was the telephone. She never ( 2 ) it. She said she was happy ( 3 ) it. After Mr. Turner, her husband, died, she moved to the other side of the town and lived with her ( 4 ) Alice. Now it wasn't easy for her to see her friends, but she still never ( 2 ) the telephone. When she wanted to talk to her friends, she asked her ( 5 ) Eve to call them by telephone. She could have a talk with her friends ( 6 ) the telephone with Eve's ( 7 ). 1、(1)-(7)に適語を入れよ。 2、次の日本文を英語にせよ。 (4) 1)人に電話がかかっていることを伝えるとき。 2)相手にまちがい電話ですよと伝えるとき。 5、次の英文を良く読んで以下の問に答えよ。(9) Margie is (A)a girl who is eleven years old. She islivingin the year of 2157. She is a student, but she doesn't have to go to school. She studies at home, in a room ( 1 ) schoolroom. Her teacher isn't ( 2 ). It's a ( 3 ) teacher. The things she has to study are all programmed in the computer, and the ( 3 ) teacher gives her lessons through the computer. One day her brother Tommy show her a book. It is a very old ( 4 ) that was used many years ago. Looking through the book, Margie is greatly (B)moved. She realizes that the schools where the ( 4 ) was used was quite ( 5 ) from hers. The boys and girls went to a building and studies things from a ( 2 ) teacher. She thinks about ( 6 ) at school. 1、(1)-(6)に適語を入れよ。(1語とは限らない) 2、本文中誤った単語が1つある指摘し訂正せよ。 3、(A)(B)をそれぞれ3語、1語の英単語で書き換えよ。 6、次の英文を良く読んで以下の問に答えよ。(13) Casey Jones worked for an American ( 1 ) company. He was an ( 2 ) of a train called ( 3 ). His train ran ( 4 ) Memphis, Tennessee, and Canton, Mississippi. He was a ( 5 ) and (a)brave man. He (b)blew the whistle in a special way, so the people knew (c)at once that his train was running. On the night of April 29,1900, Casey finished his run but took another run (d)for his friend who was ill. He pulled the train, No.1 out, but it was already more than an hour late when it started. No.1 ran and ran. When it passed Durant it was only five minutes late. Casey thought that they could arrive (e) on time. Then No.1 got into the long double 's' curve. When it came to the middle of the curve, Casey's ( 6 ), Sim Webb found that another train was running ahead on the same rails. Casey blew the whistle but it was too late. "Jump, Sim!" he cried, and then No.1 (f)ran into the back of the train which was ahead of it. Casey died with one hand on the whistle and the other on the air ( 7 ). 1、(1)-(7)に適語を入れよ。 2、本文中誤った単語が1つある指摘し訂正せよ。 3、(A)(C)(D)(E)(F)をそれぞれ1語、1語、2語、1語、1語の英単語で書き換え  よ。 4、(B)の単語の活用形を書け。 サイドリーダーの問題 1、次の各英文を読んで問いに答えよ。空欄の番号の後のアルファベッ  トは単語の最初の文字を示している。(6) (A) My son and (1d ) are getting a (2d ) and my husband and I are distraught about this. He has always treated Sue as a (3d ) - the one we didn't have. We have invested many years of our lives in their (4m ) and we love our (5g ). The prospect of their (6f ) breaking up fills us with a terror that we might not see our (5g ) as much as we would like. 1、(1)-(6)の空欄に適当な名詞を入れよ。 2、次の各英文の下線部を具体的に日本語で説明せよ。(12) 1)A doctor has to assess emotional maturity(more important than chronological age), tissue development and bone growth. If Adam meets the criteria, then earlier surgery can avoid years of distress and hampered emotional and social growth. 2)I was never actually aware of this until recently when we were sitting in a restaurant and the woman at the next table leaned over and said,"Excuse me, but I am from a family of plastic surgeions, and have you ever considered fixing your son's nose?" Aside from the fact that she was totally rude, it did make me take Adam's request for plastic surgery seriously. 4)Women's college do create a more positive learning environment, one which does not strictly associate intellectual competence and leadership with being male. The choice, however, should be Robin's. If she chooses to go co-ed, and if she goes armed with this information, she has a better chance of being able to speak up and ask for the attention she needs. 5)Clearly a co-ed school will offer a better social life, a more "natural situation" and an opportunity to be with both sexes. The advantage here is knowing how to handle one's self with half the world's population and this is an invaluable skill. 6)Nothing is more embarrassing to a teen or preteen than to have a parent greet her friends at the door wearing "her" clothes, humming "her" music and saying "chill out" to every visitor. Act your age. 3、下線部を和訳せよ。(6) 1)The overriding principle for successful communication with a teenager is to remember that what is said is not always what is meant. 2)Only that which requires present deprivation with future payoff is seen as mature and worthwhile. 3)A person who needs to get ready for bed in a particular fashin is a far cry from the person who is afraid to go out of the house for fear of contamination and instead stays home to wash her hands 20 times. 4、(1)-(5)に対応する語句をそれぞれ二つずつ選べ。(5) (1)Barbie (2)Bulimia (3)our goals (4)my 16-year-old daughter (5)anorexia あ overeating い be on a diet drug abuse, and attempted suicide う put an end to unhealthy practices え 42-22-35 Peanut Butter お breasts of different sizes か Ken き alcohol or drug abuse, and attempted suicide く Proper nutrition, stamina and good health け Chunky Peanut Butter こ denying oneself food 5、次の日本語に対応する英単語を書け。(6) 1、行動様式   ( ) pattern   2、商品名 ( ) name 3、医科大学病院  ( ) hospital 4、体重を意識する weight ( ) 5、目的指向の社会 ( ) society 6、全優  ( ) A's