第二学年 英語R 3学期末テスト 平成7年1月30日実施 静岡県立浜松北高等学校 1、Pick up two names of the celebrities and explain who and what they are. The maximum number of the words you can use for each answer is 100. (4x2=8) Fidel Castro Scrooge Rudolph Michael J. Fox. Sinatra 2、次の熟語の空欄を入れよ。(25) 1、政治論争 ( ) ( ) 2、考え直してみると On ( ) ( ) 3、授業料   ( ) money 4、法律事務所 (    ) ( ) 5、アルコール飲料 ( ) beverages 6、妊婦 ( ) woman 7、充血した目 ( ) eyes 8、社会科 ( )( ) 9、大多数 vast ( ) 10、大恐慌  The ( )( ) 11、精神的に落ち込む become ( ) 12、憲法で保証された権利 ( ) right 13、睡眠薬 ( )( ) 14、脱税 ( )( ) 15、麻薬密売人 dope ( ) 16、チャンネルを変えないで ( )( )  17、娯楽映画 ( ) movie 18、国民的娯楽 national ( ) 19、殿堂 ( ) of ( ) 20、副作用 ( )( ) 21、ローマ帝国 ( )( ) 22、カウチポテト( )( ) 23、毛皮のコート( )( )   24、動物愛好家 ( )( ) 35、CD ( )( ) 3、次のAの語群に関係のある語句をBの語群から選び記号で答えよ。(15) (A) (1) decade (2) canine (3) hangover (4) bimbo (5) draft (6) MTV (7) Scrooge (8) bad-mouth (9) I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas (10) Sylvester Stallone (11) Hank Aaron (12) Donald Duck (13) dirty rat (14) significant factor (15) company-loving workaholics (B)(a) Walt Disney (b) Christmas Carol (c) speak ill of (d) somebody you are mad at (e) Total Recall (f) Jazz pianist (g) Japanese businessman (h) Rock'n Roll (i) cat (j) dog (k) ten years (l) Sadaharu Oh (m) excessive drinking (n) beer (o) maturation process (p) a terrible teacher (q) Bing Crosby (r) poor man (s) prostitute (t) cost (u) Havana (v) DO-GOODER (w) Last Action Hero (x)Ramboo 4、次の各下線部を別の英語でわかりやすく説明せよ。(32) (1) I can't help myself because it feels good, so I'll do it. (2) The Cuban workers probably thought they were nuts. (3) They sat around campfires on the beach at night and swapped revolutionary babble. (4) The coach treated us all equally. Like dogs. (5) Then it is up to the state to try to chase down the student and collect the money. Fat chance. (6) It's obvious that there is something wrong with this system. I'm all for job training, but .... (7) What it boils down to is that there are two sets of victims. (8) Those who sought the warning say it doesn't go far enough. (9) From the first time they blink their little eyes at the tube, they're bombarded with messages about what they should possess. (10)I couldn't place someone named Michael J. FOX. (11)A sequel to that just came out. And he is in some Pepsi commercials. (12)It seems to me that bestowing the title of "superstar" on him may be premature. (13)That's because you're a cheapskate. (14)If she wishes to wrap her body in furs, that is up to her. (15)Spare me the beauty of nature, but show me what you're hustling and tell me how much you're going to clip me for it. (16)You don't have to plunk it all down at once. 5、次の英文を和訳せよ。(20) (1)I doubt anyone that anyone reaches the legal drinking age without knowing that drinking too much might not be the best thing for their health. (2)The fact that we have an imperfect society, always have, and probably always will, doesn't justify being prematurely brain-dead. (3)Those surveyed have grown up taking for granted comforts and luxuries that weren't even imagined 40 or 50 years ago. (4)It would have still been unpopular, but so is going to the dentist or taking out the garbage. (5)Two years really isn't that much. Not if it would make them better citizens by arousing their interest in democracy, government, politics. (6)The bowling championship would be more justified in calling itself the Super Bowl, since that's what the sport does. (7)This last baseball season. Will Clark had a year that would have made Babe Ruth consider retirement,caused Ted Williams to check into the Mayao Clinic for observation. (8)Don't you ever think about how barbaric it is for someone who's supposed to be civilized to be wrapping themselves in the hides of defenseless creatures? (9)Would millions of those vegetable choppers have been sold if they just showed us a pretty field of squash or turnips. (10)It's so smooth that if you ran over a hippo you wouldn't notice the bump.