第三学年 英語II中間テスト
1.Each sentence has one wrong word. Find this wrong word and replace it by a correct word. (20)
1) The use of English in international diplomacy is weakened by its acceptance as one of the official languages of the United Nations.
2) English is the language of the minority of published materials in the world.
3) Looking at the world through a different language system adds new dimen- sions to strange objects or events.
4) London weather does often tend to leave nothing to be desired.
5) Most mothers tell their children to ask father's prohibition.
6) A accepted application from the father will often be made good by mother.
7) There is nothing more encouraging than to arrive home in the evening to find the children sitting in front of the set.
8) Travelar's curiosity has not yet been stimulated by habit.
9) The traveler is reluctant to marvel at things that the native simple takes for granted.
10) The large spiders determined to put a good distance between themselves and the friend.
11) Spider's long legs supported its body within ant's reach.
12) The traveler's impression may also be deep and one-sided.
13) Jefferson was also passive in politics and farming.
14) Men are still under the strong influence of the medieval concept of an limited ocean.
15) We seem to forget that the world is flat and without edges.
16) We have not yet quite digested the message from the sailors who see the whole planet from above.
17) The middle of the 20the century marked a turning point in compulsory education.
18) The rapid political, economic, social, and cultural changes since the beginning of the century and the constructive effects of World Wars I and II emphasized the importance of education.
19) A lady will shudder at the sight of a moth that is guilty of blood.
20) Moths are the angels of the insect world.
2. Choose one word for each parenthesis from the word list below and put that word into its suitable form so that it willbe appropriate in the sentence. Then put 6)8)10)13)15) into Japanese. (15+10)
1) Indeed, in the very center of London he will be ( ) if, early on a spring or summer morning, he does not hear through his hotel window the sweet song of the fluting black bird.
2) Our cook had a ( ) to regard the saucepans, stove, and indeed all the kitchen things as her own property.
3) ( ) I removed a frying-pan from its hook and the eggs from their cup- board.
4) Most mothers tell their children to ask father's (xxxxxx), but they often set aside his ( ).
5) Most American parents dislike accepting the ( ) of restricting their children's pleasure and amusement.
6) Children seldom turn to any but their ( ) television programmes if they themselves have enough to do and be interested in.
7) Older children will prefer playing ( ) games to watching television.
8) There is nothing more ( ) than to arrive home in the evening to find the children sitting in front of the set.
9) A traveler may arrive with ( ) that have come to him through sensa- tional newspapers, biased history books, or second-rate movies.
10)We are likely to regard the foreign traveler with mixed emotions : hope for understanding, fear of ( ).
11)Every bit hitherto dumped into the sea, from the very morning of time until the modern age of general ( ), has piled inside the same sea.12)Some agreement had to be reached ( ), in order to unify and simplify the postal services.13)What strikes one as ( ) is that insects that do man most harm are not those that horrify him most.
14)All ( ) and urban discharge will disappear somehow into blue space beyond the horizon.
15)Lacking the balanced over-all view that comes from long ( ), he may seize upon the striking, the different, the absurd.
represent luck industry occupy spirit tend respond permit decide nation favor industry imagine acquaint noise remark
Through his letters he spoke to the nation and by( ) of letters he stimulated his followers. (1) A poor public speaker, he avoided the platform and sought the desk. In stead of ( A3語 ), no matter how beneficial it might have been politically, he would ( B3語 ), which he knew would be read publicly. Such letters he wrote for conscious political effect, as a ( )of educating the nation in aristocracy, or "sowing useful truths," as he phrased (2)it.
2、A,Bにそれぞれ3語で英語句を記せ。 (2)3、(1)を節に直せ。 (2)4、(2)は何をさしているのか英語でかけ。 (1)5、文中一箇所単語に誤りがある。指摘し訂正せよ。(1)
Formerly each country had its own postal service, which it administered as (1)it thought fit. To enable a letter to be conveyed from one country to another, a treaty was needed to regulate the postal relations between the two countries ( あ ). The sender's country levied a fee on letters for carriage by its own postal service from the place of ( い ) to the frontier: and a further charge was made by each country through which the letter passed, and by the country of ( う ). This meant that every time a letter was sent, a complicated sum had to be worked out to find the total postage ( え ) by correspondents. The cost differed according to the route by which a letter was sent; and weight rates varied from country to country. All these (2)complications seriously slowed up ( お )of letters.
1、(あ)ー(お)に適語をいれよ。 (5)2、(1)は何をさしているのか英語でかけ。 (1)3、(2)はどういう状況を言っているのか日本語で説明せよ。(2)
(1)It is impossible to move about any great city today without noticing the number of people who seem to have nothing to do that is particularly urgent. Although most of us frequently complain of lack of time, the streets are always line with crowds when a ( 1 ) is expected. Every day the stores are filled with women who are ( 2 ) in no hurry to return home, since they migrate from one department to another in the most (2)leisurely fashion. Queues form for ( 3 ), or for plays of films which have been much advertised: and (2)the sight of a television camera, wherever it may be set up, soon attracts a crowd to whom time seems of little ( 4 ). Yet if any of these were asked to do something they disliked doing, the chances are that most of them would say,”(3)残念ですけど、時間がないのです。”
2、(2)をcrowdを主語にして和訳せよ。 (2)3、(3)を英訳せよ。 (2)4、(1)-(4)の空欄に以下の単語から選択して、適当な形にして記入せよ。(4)
important exhibit proceed appear
6、Write about the differences between the communication with alot of relevant information and the one without a lot of relevant information.
. (within 100 words)
7、What should we keep in mind when we use slang? You should write a safe prescription in conversation with friends, informal writing, and formal speech or writing, respectively. (within 100 words)
8、次の各組の単語のうち、名詞形にした場合、語尾が他と違う単語を記せ。(名詞 形で)
1. ignore annoy inherit imply resist inhabit
2. explore reflect cultivate reverse relate repeat3. argue attach compete embarrass employ ascertain
4. expand exclude intrude invade decide depend
5. survive dismiss refuse betray refuse arrive
9.Write the antonym of each given word.
1) strict (l ) 2) fertile(s ) 3) progressive (c )
4)defensive (a ) 5) compulsory (v )
10. Write the synonym of each given word.
1) trustworthy (r ) 2)wholesome (h ) 3) internal (d )
4) diminish (l ) 5) ripe (m )
11. Write the word according to each definition.
1) a building or room in which a scientist works,with apparatus for the examination and testing of materials
2) something which stands in the way and preventsaction, movement,or success.
3) unfair and often unfavourable feeling or opinion not basedon reasonor enough knowledge, and sometimes resulting from fear or distrust of ideas different from one's own.
4) a written account of a person's life
5) the act of settling an argument by taking a middle course acceptable to all sides.