1、1、Answer each question according to the textbook. The number given at the end of each question is the maximum number of the words you can use for your answer. (5x4=20)
1. How did you prepare for this mid-term tests? (40)
2. Write three dangerous things given off by the atomic bomb and how dangerous they are. (40)
3. What are civil rights? (40)
4. What can we see inside the atomic-bomb
museum in Hiroshima? (40)
(A) At the ( 1 ) of the Civil ( 2
), black people became ( 3 ), but they still did not have (
4 ) of the same ( 5 ) as white people. In the South, they
could not go to the same ( 6 ) as white people; they could
not eat in the same ( 7 ); and they could not even drink water
from the same drinking ( 8 ).Black people had to sit at the
( 9 ) of the bus, and only white people could sit at the (
10 ) the bus.
(B) When Dr. King was studying to be a ( 1 ) in the church, he read about the ( 2 ) of Mahatma Gandhi, the famous ( 3 ) from India. Gandhi believed that it was ( 4 ) to use violence to make ( 5 ) in the world. He believed that it was never right to use violence ( 6 ) someone, ( 7 ) if that person had used violence first. Dr. King was a ( 8 ) man, and he believed that nonviolence was ( 9 ) way to teach others ( 10 ) was right.
1. nose knows fair ( )
2. jail jailer law ( )
3. arctic Antarctic violence ( )
4. true false right ( )
5. possibility impossibility attraction
( )
1. Money (bring/ does/ happiness/ not/us).
2.( is/ he/ most/ needs) parents' love.
3.(do/ what/ if/ would/ you/ you) ten years younger?
4. Mary (at/ stood/ looking/ the mirror/ in ).
5. On ( these/ the/ are/ words/ written/
1. type of mathematics that uses letters and other signs to represent numbers and
2. the science that is concerned with studying the structure of substances and the way
that they change
3. a room or area that is under the level of the ground
4. a comfortable piece of furniture for two or three people to sit on, or for one person to
lie down on
5. something, especially a stone with writing on it, to remind people of someone who
has died
6、Answer these questions in English. At the end of each question is the number of the
word you should use .(12)
1. What is the nick name of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima?(2)
2. What is there at the point where the atomic bomb was dropped?(2)
3. What disease did the atomic bomb cause?
4. Our school year is divided into three parts? What do we call them ?
5. In December you will take the tests? What do you call these tests?
6. We may have this either when we catch
cold or when we are in trouble. What is it?
1) a. recent b. policeman c. disease d. pleasant e. complete
2) a. cause b. ball c. brought d. stone e. caught
3) a. mouth b. downstairs c. amount d. fountain e. autumn
4) a. country b. bother c. suffer d. colored e. stuff
5) a. successful b. empty c. decent
d. potential e. death
1)「千羽鶴を折れば元気になるわよ。」と母は娘に言った。 (間接話法で)