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For the USMLE

new58.gif (95 バイト) Prescription for the Boards(2nd Ed) : USMLE Step 2 Kate C. Feibusch, Radhika Breaden, Cheryl Bader, Stephen Gomperts / Lippincott-Raven

new58.gif (95 バイト) Anatomical Sciences : Gross Anatomy, Embryology, Histology, Neuroanatomy (Rypins' Intensive Reviews) Neal E. Pratt, Dennis Depace / Lippincott-Raven / 解剖学、発生学、組織学、神経解剖学レビュー

new58.gif (95 バイト) Biochemistry (Rypins' Intensive Reviews) Kent E. Vrana / Lippincott-Raven / 生化学レビュー

new58.gif (95 バイト) Neuroanatomy for Medical Students(3rd Ed) J. L. Wilkinson / Butterworth-Heinemann Medical / 医学生のための神経解剖学

new58.gif (95 バイト) Emergency Medicine Pearls of Wisdom Board Reviews / Boston Medical / 救急医学のツボ ボードレビュー


new58.gif (95 バイト) Physiology Secrets (The Secrets Series) Hershel Raff / Hanley & Belfus / 生理学のツボ

new58.gif (95 バイト) Cell Physiology Source Book(2nd Ed) Nicholas Sperelakis / Academic Pr / 細胞生理学ソースブック

new58.gif (95 バイト) Vasopressin and Oxytocin : Molecular, Cellular, and Clinical Advances (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, V. 449) Hans H. Zingg , Charles W. Bourque , Daniel G. Bichet / Plenum Pub / バソプレッシンとオキシトシン


new58.gif (95 バイト) Pathology : A Comprehensive Review Debra S. Heller, Michael J. Klein / Butterworth-Heinemann Medical / 病理学

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new58.gif (95 バイト) Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease(6th Ed) Ramzi S. Cotran, Vinay Kumar, Tucker Collins, Stanley L. Robbins / W B Saunders / ロビンズ基礎病理学

new58.gif (95 バイト) Histology for Pathologists(2nd Ed) Stephen S., Md. Sternberg / Lippincott-Raven / 病理医のための組織学

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new58.gif (95 バイト) Pathology(3rd Ed) Emanuel Rubin , John L. Farber / Lippincott-Raven / Rubin & Farber 病理学テキスト

new58.gif (95 バイト) Cellular Pathology (Biomedical Science Explained Series.) D. J. Cook / Butterworth-Heinemann Medical / 細胞病理学

new58.gif (95 バイト) Practical Cardiovascular Pathology Mary N. Sheppard, Michael J. Davies / Edward Arnold / 臨床心臓血管病理学

new58.gif (95 バイト) Pathology of Bone and Joint Neoplasms (Major Problems in Pathology, V. 37)  Timothy R. Helliwell / W B Saunders / 骨・関節腫瘍の病理学

new58.gif (95 バイト) Handbook of Forensic Pathology Vincent J. M. Di Maio, Suzanna E. Dana / R G Landes / 法医病理学ハンドブック

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new52.gif (95 バイト) Microbiology in Clinical Practice(3rd Ed) D. C. Shanson / Butterworth-Heinemann Medical / 臨床微生物学

new58.gif (95 バイト) Escherichia coli and Other Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli Alison D. O'Brien , James B. Kaper / ASM Press / 大腸菌類の毒素


new58.gif (95 バイト) Mechanisms of Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation VII : Molecular Determinants of Microbial Immunity Sudhir Gupta , Alan Sher , Rafi Ahmed / Plenum Pub / リンパ球活性化と免疫制御のメカニズム

new58.gif (95 バイト) How the Immune System Works Lauren M. Sompayrac / Blackwell Science / 免疫系のはたらき


new58.gif (95 バイト) Reproductive Biology of Invertebrates : Progress in Reproductive Endocrinology K. G. Adiyodi / John Wiley & Sons / 無脊椎動物の生殖生理学

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new58.gif (95 バイト) Molecular and Cellular Basis of Inflammation Charles N. Serhan , Peter A. Ward / Humana Pr / 炎症の分子細胞学的基礎

new58.gif (95 バイト) 2-D Proteome Analysis Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) Andrew J. Link / Humana Pr /

new58.gif (95 バイト) Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry(3rd Ed) Carl A. Burtis , Edward R. Ashwood , Norbert W. Tietz / W B Saunders / 臨床化学テキスト

new58.gif (95 バイト) Free Radicals, Oxidative Stress, and Antioxidants : Pathological and Physiological Significance (NATO Asi Series. Series A, Life Sciences, Vol 296) Tomris Ozben / Plenum Pub / 活性酸素と抗酸化物

new58.gif (95 バイト) Oxidants and Antioxidants (Methods in Enzymology, 300) Lester Packer , Melvin I. Simon / Academic Pr / 活性酸素と抗酸化物

new58.gif (95 バイト) Methods in Enzymology : Nitric Oxide : Biological and Antioxidant Activities (Vol 301) John N. Abelson , Melvin I. Simon / Academic Pr / 窒素酸化物の生物学的抗酸化活性

new58.gif (95 バイト) Chromatin : A Practical Approach (Practical Approach Series) Hannah Gould / Irl Pr /

new58.gif (95 バイト) Current Topics in Developmental Biology (Vol 39) Roger Pederson, Roger Schatten / Academic Pr / 生物学における最近のトピックス

new58.gif (95 バイト) Biomedical Electron Microscopy : Illustrated Methods and Interpretations Biorn Afzelius, Arvid B. Maunsbach, Bjorn Afzelius / Academic Pr / 生物学・医学のための電子顕微鏡

new58.gif (95 バイト)Integrative Aspects of Calcium Signalling Alexej Verkhratsky , Emil C. Toescu / Plenum Pub /

new58.gif (95 バイト) Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes Alan J. Barrett , Neil D. Rawlings , J. Fred, Jr. Woessner / Academic Pr /

new58.gif (95 バイト) Effects of Extracellular Adenosine and ATP on Cardiomyocytes (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit) Luiz Belardinelli , Amir Pelleg / R G Landes /

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new52.gif (95 バイト) Medical Neuroscience Thomas Pritchard, Kevin D. Alloway / Fence Creek Pub / 医学神経科学

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new52.gif (95 バイト) The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography Larry R. Squire / Academic Pr /


new58.gif (95 バイト) Applied Surgical Anatomy : A Guide for the Surgical Trainee Michael Glasby, F. Kristmundsdottir, W.J. Owen / Butterworth-Heinemann Medical / 応用外科解剖学

new58.gif (95 バイト) The Human Brain(4th Ed) : An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy John Nolte / Mosby-Year Book / ヒトの脳 機能解剖入門


new58.gif (95 バイト) Environmental & Occupational Medicine(3rd Ed) William N. Rom / Lippincott-Raven / 環境・産業医学


new58.gif (95 バイト) Harm Reduction : Pragmatic Strategies for Managing High-Risk Behaviors G. Alan Marlatt / Guilford Press /


new58.gif (95 バイト) Physicians' Managed Care Success Manual  / Mosby-Year Book / 臨床家のためのマネージドケア成功マニュアル


new58.gif (95 バイト) Conditions of Aging (The Academy Collection--Quick Reference Guides for Family Physicians) Lanyard K. Dial / Williams & Wilkins / 老化と疾患


new58.gif (95 バイト) Kochar's Concise Textbook of Medicine(3rd Ed) Kesavan Kutty , James Sebastian , Dale Berg / Williams & Wilkins / コッカー 内科学テキスト

new58.gif (95 バイト) Office Procedure Forms (The Academy Collection--Quick Reference Guides for Family Physicians) Thomas J. Zuber / Williams & Wilkins / 米国家庭医学会 外来患者診断治療プロトコル

new58.gif (95 バイト) Challenging Diagnoses (The Academy Collection--Quick Reference Guides for Family Physicians) Margaret E. McCahill, Erik Lindbloom / Williams & Wilkins / 診断チャレンジ

Problem Solving in Clinical Medicine(3rd Ed) : From Data to Diagnosis Paul Cutler, Dean Emeritus / Williams & Wilkins / 臨床医学における問題解決法 データから診断へ

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new52.gif (95 バイト) Making Medical Decisions : An Approach to Clinical Decision Making for Practicing Physicians Richard Gross / Amer College of Physicians / 臨床医のための問題解決法アプローチ

new58.gif (95 バイト) Mosbys Family Sourcebook 1999 Kenneth G. Marshall / Mosby-Year Book /

new58.gif (95 バイト) Advanced Clinical Skills and Physical Diagnosis Dale Berg / Blackwell Science / 応用臨床理学診断

new58.gif (95 バイト) Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking(7th Ed) Lynn S. Bickley, Robert A. Hoekelman / Lippincott-Raven / 理学所見と病歴の取り方ガイド

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new58.gif (95 バイト) The Clinical Encounter : A Guide to the Medical Interview and Case Presentation(2nd Ed) J. Andrew Billings, John D. Stoeckle Mosby-Year Book / 問診と病状説明



new58.gif (95 バイト) Managing Migraine in Primary Care Anne MacGregor / Blackwell Science / プライマリケアにおける偏頭痛の治療

new58.gif (95 バイト) Genetics of Cerebrovascular Disease Mark J., Md. Alberts / Futura Pub / 脳血管障害の遺伝学

new58.gif (95 バイト) Consciousness : At the Frontiers of Neuroscience (Advances in Neurology, V. 77) Herbert H. Jasper / Lippincott-Raven /

new58.gif (95 バイト) Dystonia 3 (Advances in Neurology, Vol 78) Stanley Fahn / Lippincott-Raven / ジストニア

new58.gif (95 バイト) Essentials of Electrodiagnostic Medicine William W. Campbell / Williams & Wilkins / 電気診断学エッセンシャル


new58.gif (95 バイト) Heart Disease in Primary Care Michael L. Hess , Andrea Hastillo / Williams & Wilkins / 心臓病プライマリケア

new58.gif (95 バイト) Molecular Cardiology for the Cardiologist : Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine(2nd Ed) (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine Vol 208) Bernard Swynghedauw / Kluwer Academic Pub / 心臓病専門医のための分子心臓病学

new58.gif (95 バイト) Pocket Guide to Cardiovascular Diseases Edward K. Chung, Dennis A. Tighe / Blackwell Science / 心臓血管病ポケットガイド

new58.gif (95 バイト) Clinical Guide to Cardiac Autonomic Tests (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, Vol. 206) Marek Malik / Kluwer Academic Pub / 心臓自律神経臨床検査ガイド

new58.gif (95 バイト) The Ischemic Heart Seibu Mochizuki / Kluwer Academic Pub / 虚血性心疾患

new58.gif (95 バイト) Atlas of Coronary Artery Disease M. J. Davies, Siew Yen Ho / Lippincott-Raven / 冠動脈疾患アトラス

new58.gif (95 バイト) Ischemic Heart Disease : Surgical Management Brian Buxton , O. Howard Frazier , Stephen Westaby / Mosby-Year Book / 虚血性心疾患の手術療法

new58.gif (95 バイト) Therapeutic Exercise : Moving Toward Function Carrie M. Hall, Lori Thein Brody / Lippincott-Raven / 運動療法

new58.gif (95 バイト) Clinical Aspects of Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Therapy (Clinical Approaches to Tachyarrhythmias Series, Vol 9) Martin Fromer / Futura Pub / 体内埋入式除細動の臨床

new58.gif (95 バイト) Nonpharmacological Therapy of Arrhythmias for the 21st Century : The State of the Art Igor Singer , S. Serge Barold , A. John Camm / Futura Pub / 不整脈の非薬物治療


new58.gif (95 バイト) Lung Tumors : Fundamental Biology and Clinical Management (Lung Biology in Health and Disease, V. 124) Christian Brambilla , Elisabeth Brambilla / Marcel Dekker - Software / 肺癌 基礎と臨床


new52.gif (95 バイト) Gastroenterology (Pocket Consultant)(2nd Ed) S. P. L. Travis, R. H. Taylor, J. J. Misiewicz / Blackwell Science / 胃腸消化器病学

new52.gif (95 バイト) Gastrointestinal Pathology(2nd Ed) : An Atlas and Text Cecilia M. Fenoglio-Preiser / Lippincott-Raven / 胃腸の病理学

new58.gif (95 バイト) Schiff's Diseases of the Liver(8th Ed) Michael F. Sorrell , Willis C. Maddrey / Lippincott-Raven / Schiff 肝臓病学

new58.gif (95 バイト) Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of the Pancreas Barbara Centeno, Martha Bishop Pitman / Butterworth-Heinemann Medical / 膵臓の針吸引生検

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new58.gif (95 バイト) Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology (10th Ed) G. Richard Lee , John Foerster , John Lukens / Williams & Wilkins / ウィントローブ 臨床血液学


new58.gif (95 バイト) Allergy(5th Ed) : Principles and Practice Elliott Middleton , Adkinson / Mosby-Year Book / アレルギー 基礎と臨床

new58.gif (95 バイト) Systemic Lupus Erythematosus(3rd Ed) Robert G. Lahita / Academic Pr / SLE

new58.gif (95 バイト) Endocrine Autoimmunity and Associated Conditions (Immunology and Medicine , Vol 27)   Anthony P. Weetman / Kluwer Academic Pub / 内分泌自己免疫疾患

new58.gif (95 バイト) Arthritis Sourcebook : Basic Consumer Health Information About Specific Forms of Arthrits and Related Disorders, Including Rheumatoid Arthritis Allan R. Cook / Omnigraphics, Inc. / 関節炎ソースブック


new58.gif (95 バイト) Transplant Infections Raleigh A. Bowden , Per Ljungman , Carlos V. Paya / Lippincott-Raven / 移植と感染

new58.gif (95 バイト) Antimicrobial Therapy and Vaccines  Victor L. Yu , Thomas C. Merigan , Steven L. Barriere Williams & Wilkins / 抗菌療法とワクチン

new58.gif (95 バイト) Textbook of AIDS Medicine(2nd Ed) Thomas C. Merigan , John G. Bartlett , Dani Bolognesi / Williams & Wilkins / AIDSテキストブック

new58.gif (95 バイト) Childhood Trauma and Hiv : Women at Risk Laura E. Whitmire, Kathryn Quina, Patricia J. Morokoff / Brunner Mazel / 子どもの頃の外傷とHIV

new58.gif (95 バイト) Herpesviruses and Immunity (Infectious Agents and Pathogenesis) Peter G. Medveczky , Herman Friedman , Mauro Bendinelli / Plenum Pr / ヘルペスウイルスと免疫


new58.gif (95 バイト) Therapy in Nephrology and Hypertension : A Companion to Brenner and Rector's the Kidney Hugh R. Brady, Christopher S. Wilcox / W B Saunders / 腎症と高血圧の治療

new58.gif (95 バイト) Strength and Compassion in Kidney Failure : Writings of Mildred (Barry) Friedman Professional Kidney Patients / Mildred Barry Friedman, Eli A. Friedman /

new52.gif (95 バイト) Principles and Practice of Dialysis(2nd Ed) William L. Henrich / Williams & Wilkins / 透析療法の理論と実際

new58.gif (95 バイト) Cell Volume Regulation (Contributions to Nephrology, Vol. 123) Florian Lang / S. Karger Publishing / 細胞容積調節


new58.gif (95 バイト) Infections in Neurological Surgery : Diagnosis and Management Richard K., Md. Osenbach , Seth M., Md. Zeidman / Lippincott-Raven / 脳神経外科手術における感染症 診断と治療

new58.gif (95 バイト) Principles and Practice of Surgery for the Colon, Rectum, and Anus(2nd Ed) Philip H. Gordon, Santhat Nivatvongs / Quality Medical Pub / 結腸、直腸、肛門の外科

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new58.gif (95 バイト) Handbook of Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation Ingemar J.A. Davidson / Landes Bioscience / 腎臓と膵臓の移植ハンドブック

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new58.gif (95 バイト) Hormones and Growth Factors in Development and Neoplasia Robert B. Dickson / Wiley-Liss / 成長と腫瘍におけるホルモン

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new58.gif (95 バイト) TGF Beta and Cancer (Medical Intelligence Unit) John R. Benson / R G Landes /

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new58.gif (95 バイト) Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthetic Practice(3rd Ed) Robert K. Stoelting / Lippincott-Raven / 臨床麻酔の薬理学と生理学

new58.gif (95 バイト) Opioids in Pain Control : Basic and Clinical Aspects Christoph Stein / Cambridge Univ Pr / ペインコントロールにおけるオピオイド 基礎と臨床

new58.gif (95 バイト) Evaluation and Treatment of Chronic Pain(3rd Ed) Gerald M. Aronoff / Williams & Wilkins / 慢性疼痛の評価と治療

new58.gif (95 バイト) Churchill's Pocketbook of Pain Catherine F. Stannard, Sara Booth / Churchill Livingstone / チャーチル 痛みのポケットブック


new58.gif (95 バイト) Signs & Symptoms in Emergency Medicine : Literature-Based Guide to Emergent Conditions Mark A. Davis , Gregg Greenough , Scott Votey / Mosby-Year Book / 救急医療におけるサインと徴候

new58.gif (95 バイト) PHTLS : Basic and Advanced Prehospital Trauma Life Support(4th Ed) Norman E. Jr. McSwain , James L. Paturas , elizebet Wertz / Mosby-Year Book / 外傷患者の入院前救命治療


new58.gif (95 バイト) Paul and Juhl's Essentials of Radiologic Imaging(7th Ed) John H. Juhl , Andrew B. Crummy , Janet E. Kuhlman / Lippincott-Raven / ポール&ジュール 放射線画像エッセンシャル

new58.gif (95 バイト) Radiology 101 : The Basics and Fundamentals of Imaging William E. Erkonen , Wilbur L. Smith / Lippincott-Raven / 放射線科学101

new58.gif (95 バイト) Radiology Review Manual(4th Ed) Wolfgang Dahnert / Williams & Wilkins / 放射線レビューマニュアル

new58.gif (95 バイト) The Year Book of Diagnostic Radiology 1998 Anne G., Md. Osborn / Mosby-Year Book / 画像診断学年鑑 1998

new58.gif (95 バイト) Imaging for Surgeons(2nd Ed) : A Clinical Guide David Lisle / Edward Arnold / 外科医のための画像診断 臨床ガイド

new58.gif (95 バイト) The Abdominal Plain Film With Correlative Imaging(2nd Ed) Stephen R. Abdominal plai Baker, Kyunghee Choi Cho / Appleton & Lange / 腹部単純写真と画像診断

new58.gif (95 バイト) The Echo Manual(2nd Ed) Jae K. Oh, J. B. Seward, A. Jamil Tajik / Lippincott-Raven / エコーマニュアル

new58.gif (95 バイト) An Atlas of Alimentary Tract Diagnostic Radiology Ramsay Vallance / Blackwell Science / 消化管画像診断アトラス

new58.gif (95 バイト) Gastrointestinal Endosonography Jacques Van Dam , Michael V. Sivak / W B Saunders / 消化管の内視鏡エコー

new58.gif (95 バイト) Atlas of Transesophageal Echocardiography Navin C. Nanda, Michael J. Domanski / Williams & Wilkins / 経食道心エコー検査アトラス

new52.gif (95 バイト) The Ultrasound Handbook(3rd Ed) : Clinical, Etiologic, and Pathologic Implications of Sonographic Findings Rebecca Hall / Lippincott-Raven / 超音波診断ハンドブック

new58.gif (95 バイト) The Theory and Practice of 3D PET Bernard Bendriem , David W. Townsend / Kluwer Academic Pub / 3D PETの理論と実際

new58.gif (95 バイト) Endovascular Grafting Techniques Juan Carlos Parodi , Frank J. Veith , Michael L. Marin / Williams & Wilkins / 血管内グラフトテクニック


new58.gif (95 バイト) Anterior Approaches to the Spine Thomas A., Md. Zdeblick , Thomas, M.D. Zdeblick / Quality Medical Pub / 脊椎の前方アプローチ

new58.gif (95 バイト) Joint Replacement in the Shoulder and Elbow W. Angus Wallace / Butterworth-Heinemann Medical / 肩と肘の関節置換

new58.gif (95 バイト) Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews (Vol 26) John O. Holloszy / Williams & Wilkins / 運動療法とスポーツ科学レビュー

new58.gif (95 バイト) Instant Access to Chiropractic Guidelines and Protocols Lew Huff , David M. Brady / Mosby-Year Book / カイロプラクティック入門


Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery of the External Genitalia Richard M. Ehrlich , Gary Alter / W B Saunders / 外性器の再建形成外科

new58.gif (95 バイト) Ophthalmic Pocket Companion(5th Ed) Dean Dornic / Butterworth-Heinemann Medical / 眼科ポケットコンパニオン

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new58.gif (95 バイト) The Complete Guide to Ocular History Taking Janice K. Ledford / Slack, Inc. / 眼科病歴ガイド

new58.gif (95 バイト) Histological Typing of Tumours of the Eye and Its Adnexa(2nd Ed) (International Histological Classification of Tumours) R. J. Campbell / Springer Verlag / 眼腫瘍の組織学分類

new58.gif (95 バイト) 1998 Year Book of Ophthalmology Wilson / Mosby-Year Book / 眼科学年鑑 1998

new58.gif (95 バイト) The Handbook of Ocular Emergencies Mead / Slack, Inc. / 眼科救急ハンドブック

new58.gif (95 バイト) Manual of Ocular Fundus Examination Theo Dorion / Butterworth-Heinemann / 眼底検査マニュアル

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new58.gif (95 バイト) Uveitis : An Illustrated Manual Nicholas P. Jones / Butterworth-Heinemann Medical / ブドウ膜炎 イラストマニュアル

new58.gif (95 バイト) Retinal Pigment Epithelium and Macular Diseases Gabriel Coscas , F. Cardillo Piccolino / Kluwer Academic Pub / 網膜色素上皮と黄斑の疾患

new58.gif (95 バイト) Macular Hole : Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment Steven A. Madreperla , Brooks W. McCuen / Butterworth-Heinemann / 黄斑裂孔 診断と治療

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new58.gif (95 バイト) Ocular Immunology in Health and Disease Steven B. Koevary / Butterworth-Heinemann Medical / 眼科免疫

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new58.gif (95 バイト) Atlas of Retinal and Vitreous Surgery Travis A. Meredith, Nadine Sokol / Mosby-Year Book / 網膜・硝子体手術アトラス

new58.gif (95 バイト) Clear Corneal Lens Surgery Fine / Slack, Inc. / 角膜・水晶体手術

new58.gif (95 バイト) The Art of LASIK(2nd Ed) Jeffery J. MacHat , Stephen G. Slade , Louis E. Probst / Slack, Inc. / LASIKテクニック

new58.gif (95 バイト) LASIK Complications : Prevention and Management Howard V. Gimbel, Ellen E. Anderson Penno / Slack, Inc. / LASIKの合併症 予防と治療

new58.gif (95 バイト) Assessing Children's Vision : A Handbook Susan J. Leat, Carol Westall, Rosalyn Shute, woodhouse / Butterworth-Heinemann Medical / 小児視力評価ハンドブック


new58.gif (95 バイト) An Illustrated Guide to Skin Lymphoma Diagnosis Lorenzo Cerroni, Helmut Kerl, Kevin Gatter / Blackwell Science / イラスト 皮膚リンパ腫診断ガイド

new58.gif (95 バイト) Atlas of Infections of the Skin Raza Aly, Howard Maibach, Judy Fletcher / Churchill Livingstone / 皮膚感染症アトラス


Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery(3rd Ed) : Pediatric Volume Charles W. Cummings, John M. Frederickson, Lee A. Harker, c Krause / Mosby-Year Book / 耳鼻咽喉科学 頭頚部外科

Primary Rhinoplasty : A New Approach to the Logic and the Technicques John B. Tebbetts / Mosby-Year Book / 鼻形成術入門


new58.gif (95 バイト) Glenn's Urologic Surgery(5th Ed) Sam D. Graham , James F. Glenn / Lippincott-Raven / グレン 泌尿器外科


new58.gif (95 バイト) Glass' Office Gynecology(5th Ed) Robert H. Glass , Michele G. Curtis , Michael P. Hopkins / Williams & Wilkins / グラス 外来産婦人科学

new58.gif (95 バイト) 1998 The Year Book of Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine Fanaroff / Mosby-Year Book / 新生児・周産期医学年鑑 1998

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