// play list is written like this
song1 = ( some pattern);
song2 = ( some pattern);
Inside of the parenthesis, some of Pattern Objects are scripted there. And those
Pattern Objects are separated by ';' For example, song1 = ( pat1; pat2;);
Pattern is a super set of every objects.
Note is as a name of sound file you want to play. The sound file must be 22050 Hz sampling rate and 16 bit
monoral sound wave file. The name is surrounded by double quotation '"'. For example,
Rest is a number of milli second to delay. For example,
mysound = ( "hoge.wav");
means that waiting for
1 second and play no sound during the term.
RandomRest has 2 numbers, num_max and num_min, and "to."
RandomRest takes a number between num_max and num_min randomly. For example,
this case num_min is 1000 and num_max is 2000. Threfore
myrandrest waits for a random number of milli seconds between 1000to2000.
myrandrest= ( 1000to2000);
MultiPattern involves more than 2 Patterns. Each Patterns are separated by ','. For example
ProbabilityPattern is kind of MultiPattern but it picks up only one pattern with probability.
For example,
mymulti = ( pat1, pat2, pat3);
means that myprobpat plays pat1 with
1/6 probability, pat2 with 2/6=1/3 probability and pat3 with 3/6=1/2 probability
myprobpat = ( pat1 : pat2 : pat3 = 1 : 2 : 3);
// mylist.txt
song1 = (
begin = "begin.wav";
rest = 100;
last = "last.wav";
_main = ( begin, rest, last, rest
song2 = ( _main = ( rest, last, rest, begin););
In this case, song1 plays "begin.wav", silence 100 ms, "last.wav" and silence 100 ms. And song2
plays 100 ms silence, "last.wav", 100 ms silence and "begin.wav."
dist = ( 100 to 200);
_param = ( 10to20, 70, dist);
You can only write direct number in the _pram parenthesis except _infinite described below.First number is number of repetition to play _main. If you write "_infinite", the loop will run infinite times.
2nd one represents the angle of the sound source in degrees. Front is 0, right is 90, back is 180 and left is 270.
3rd parameter of the parameter is the distance to the sound source. The distance takes 0 to 255. 255 is farest and 0 is closest.