Israel Stories
Last update 25/11/01 || -> Japanese 01.11.25
Sorry, epsode 14 is uploaded only on 25/11.
Episode 14. Efficient dish drainer (8/4/01)

At the kitchen in my hotel room, you can see a dish drainer is set over a sink, so water atuomatically fall down into shink.
In Japan we have only basket style with tray, so we need to trow water of the tray. And we never think this way is inefficient, and believe this is a good manner.
Not only between Israel and Japan, we get many culture shocks or get many ideas in foreign countries.
Episode 13. Silent Satuday morning (1/4/01)

The picture is taken from my hotel in Saturday morning,
at the city Ramat-Gan. You see... Yes, vacant!
In Israel, Jewish, Saturday is a holy day, and written that begins
from Friday evening, and finish at Saturday evening.
So, they have a big dinner to cerebrate it in Friday evening,
usually until midnight... As a result, they oversleep in Saturday
morning, and we get a silent morning.
By the way, Christians also celebrate the Christmas Eve bigger than the Christmas day. Is it the same reason?
Episode 12. Use of ruins (19/3/00)

The right picture is the David Tower, very famous in the Old
Jerusalem ... but do you think something bright in the garden?
To tell the truth, an art exhibition is held in this ruin.
For the year 2000, they invite a famous glass artist Chihuly
to make an exhibition here.
Maybe because of ruins all over Israel, they use ruins in many ways. For example, the Old Jerusalem is aucutally a ruin, but many people still live and work there, and it is a good market place for the Jerusalem neighborhood.
Episode 11. Spring is a flower season (26/2/00)

In Israel if do nothing for a land, it becomes desert. But spring is special. As it positions at the end of the rainy season, many flowers are blooming at this time. Here flowers are vivid colors like in the tropics.
Now spring comes. Actually you can see only yellow flowers in fields now, but red and violet flowers come soon and fields become very bright. If you have plan to visit Israel, I suggest you to make it in March or in April.
By the way, sprint is called Aviv in Hebrew. The second largest city Tel-Aviv means "Spring Hill". There is also a city Ramat-Aviv near Tel-Aviv. I don't know another season's city, such as Kaits (summer), Stav (autumn), Horef (winter). They also seems to like spring.
Episode 10. Traffic Lights in Israel 2 (29/1/00)

Last time, I wrote very bad for Israel traffic lights, so this time I should write good things about it.
In one travel guide written, Israel traffic lights turn yellow also before they turn green. But actually, as right side signal in the picture, the red light continue on and yellow light also turn on then saying like "Redy Go!". This system is no so special and I saw also in Germany. I've heard that this system is not good for Japan because of quick start. But I think this must be good because of avoiding of too early start.
The next thing is what you can realize when you drive in Israel. Even in a small crossing like the picture, there are always Trun Left signals (in Japan Turn Right signals). This signal turn green only when opposit direction is red. It means that you don't need to turn left with watching the opposit direction traffics. This system is very good for foreigners like me. ... But because of this, the signal system becomes much complicated.
And one more ... This lights red, yellow and green are positioned vertical. In Japan, they positioned horizontal, red is right side. I've heard, in Japan, they decided hosizontal because of no space. ... Now I came Israel and got used to see them, I feel vertical is very normal.
Episode 9. Traffic Lights in Israel (14/1/00)

Can you find out something strange? ... The man in the green light is standing ! Maybe the walking design glass run out and they disided to use the standing man glass instead, I think. ... But this light is in front of a police station. ... How about the police dignity ?? ...
Actually, I have come across many trafic lights problems, such as ... a light for walker could not turn green all day long, some lights do not light, ... and all lights including lights for cars go out! Fortunately I have no dangerous experiences such as both direction lights turn green same time. But for me, Japanese, only one problem is already unbelievable, I have never seen traffic lights problems in Japan through my life.
Usually we Japanese think, no problem is normal and reasonable. But now, I understand how difficult and how much effort to keep things NO PROBLEM. I feel thankful for Japanese engineers.
Episode 8. Let's turn on Head Lights in Winter (18/12/99)

The left picture is in the morning. There are shadows but you can see how bright around. ... But many cars keeping their lights on. ... ???
In Israel, it is very shine and bright all over the summer time.
But in winter, there are cloudy and rainy days like Japan,
and they say, it is dark in winter!
So they decide "Let's turn on head lights in winter"
even if it is fine day.
I have heard from a taxi driver that it is a law,
and private drivers can be forgiven, but professional drivers
such as taxi drivers must pay money if police catch them.
For me it is very good, because even if Israel drivers are very wild, I can find them very easily.
Episode 7. African dish "Kus-Kus" (4/12/99)

In Israel, there are many Middle Easten and African food because of its location. In these food, I love African "Kus-Kus" best ! It looks like small pieces of rice or mashed potet with grains ... The right picture is just gotten from food shop. In Israel, it is served as a side dish poured by vegitable soup.
Recently I got information there is dried Kus-Kus also in Japan !! I hope to buy and show it to my family in Japan.
Episode 1 to 6 are now translating. You can see soon... I hope...