Lovely are new born puppies. Japanese Version is here. ここであなたのラブを登録してください。Please register your labrador here. March 30, 1998 Something was strange with Lovely this morning. But I left home as usual thinking maybe we have to be with her all night long. My easy-going disposition sometimes becomes a target of accusation from family members. After the merry-making with my colleagues, (yes, here in Japan every year some teachers are transferred to other schools) I came home at 10:30. My eldest son said to me, "Dad, you should have come back earlier. You missed something you have to see." Then my wife informed of the birth of 10 puppies(though one of them was born dead unfortunately.) Doubtfully I entered the delivery room (made of nylon tent), inside there I found 9 little puppies are struggling for their teates. Four of them are yellow and the others are black. After all I couldn't get chocolate one. But it didn't matter much to me. I don't care about puppies color any more. I was impressed by the cuteness of the puppies and the motherly gentleness of Lovely. She busied herself with taking care of 9 pups. Breast-feeding them, and licking their body gently. Later my wife told me more precisely that Lovely started her first delivery at around 10:30 A.M. After that came other pups every 30 minutes. The last yellow one came out dead at 4:30 P.M. The delay seem to have caused his heart to be stopped. My wife and sons tried their best but it never came to life. I buried him this morning in my back yard. I said to myself, "That's also the facts of dog's life." I soothed myself and his soul in this way. But I am very happy to see Lovely who once seemed to me a hyperactive bitch taking care of her pups so gently. That makes me almost cry. April 1, 1998 I went out to get my kennel name and register our new pups. I also join the Japan Kennel Club. My kennel name is ROSEMARY-YANO, which is named after my favorite herb, Rosemary. Below are the names of 9 pups. 1. Adam (Yellow,Male) 2. Adonis(Y,M) 3. Alex(Black,M) 4. Alwin(B,M) 5. Andy(B,M) 6. Agnes(Y,Female) 7. Alice(Y,F) 8. Amy(B,F) 9. Anita(B,F) Please look at 9 cute pups and motherly expression on Lovely's face This Ring of Labrador Retrievers site is owned by Click for the [Previous] [Random] [Next Site] [Skip Next] [Next 5] Click here for info on how to join Ring of Labrador Retrievers.
Japanese Version is here.
ここであなたのラブを登録してください。Please register your labrador here.
March 30, 1998
Something was strange with Lovely this morning. But I left home as usual thinking maybe we have to be with her all night long. My easy-going disposition sometimes becomes a target of accusation from family members. After the merry-making with my colleagues, (yes, here in Japan every year some teachers are transferred to other schools) I came home at 10:30. My eldest son said to me, "Dad, you should have come back earlier. You missed something you have to see." Then my wife informed of the birth of 10 puppies(though one of them was born dead unfortunately.) Doubtfully I entered the delivery room (made of nylon tent), inside there I found 9 little puppies are struggling for their teates. Four of them are yellow and the others are black. After all I couldn't get chocolate one. But it didn't matter much to me. I don't care about puppies color any more. I was impressed by the cuteness of the puppies and the motherly gentleness of Lovely. She busied herself with taking care of 9 pups. Breast-feeding them, and licking their body gently. Later my wife told me more precisely that Lovely started her first delivery at around 10:30 A.M. After that came other pups every 30 minutes. The last yellow one came out dead at 4:30 P.M. The delay seem to have caused his heart to be stopped. My wife and sons tried their best but it never came to life. I buried him this morning in my back yard. I said to myself, "That's also the facts of dog's life." I soothed myself and his soul in this way.
But I am very happy to see Lovely who once seemed to me a hyperactive bitch taking care of her pups so gently. That makes me almost cry.
April 1, 1998
I went out to get my kennel name and register our new pups. I also join the Japan Kennel Club. My kennel name is ROSEMARY-YANO, which is named after my favorite herb, Rosemary.
Below are the names of 9 pups.
1. Adam (Yellow,Male) 2. Adonis(Y,M) 3. Alex(Black,M) 4. Alwin(B,M) 5. Andy(B,M)
6. Agnes(Y,Female) 7. Alice(Y,F) 8. Amy(B,F) 9. Anita(B,F)