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循環器一般 / 虚血性心疾患 / 高血圧・末梢血管障害 / 不整脈 / 心不全 / 感染症 / 小児 / 産婦人科 / 電気生理・心電図 / 生理 / 病理 / 薬理・治療 / 画像診断・核医学 / カテーテル・インターベンション / 心臓・血管外科 / 麻酔 / 辞書




Heart Disease(5th Ed,1 Vol Set) : A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine Eugene Braunwald / W B Saunders

Heart Disease(5th Ed,2 Vols Set) : A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine Eugene Braunwald / W B Saunders

Heart Disease : Review and Assessment : A Question and Answer Book With Explanations and References(2nd Ed) Michael E. Mendelsohn / W B Saunders

Cardiovascular Therapeutics : A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease Thomas Woodward Smith / W B Saunders

Marcus Cardiac Imaging : A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease(2nd Ed) Melvin L. Marcus , Eugene Braunwald , Marvin Marcus / W B Saunders

定番、SchlantのHurst's the Heartシリーズ!

Hurst's the Heart(9th Ed,1 Vol Set) Wayne Alexander, Robert C. Schlant, Valentin Fuster, R. Alexander / McGraw Hill / ハースト心臓病学 第9版

new58.gif (95 バイト) Hurst's the Heart(9th Ed,2 Vols Set) R. Wayne Alexander , Robert C. Schlant , Valentin Fuster / McGraw Hill / ハースト心臓病学 第9版 2分冊セット

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new58.gif (95 バイト) Hurst's the Heart(CD-ROM) / McGraw Hill / ハースト心臓病学 CD-ROM

new58.gif (95 バイト) Hurst's The Heart(9th Ed) : Companion Handbook R. Wayne Alexander , Robert C. Schlant, Valentin Fuster , Edmund H. Sonnenblick , Wayne Alexander, Robert A. O'Rourke / McGraw-Hill / ハースト心臓病学 第9版 コンパニオンハンドブック

new58.gif (95 バイト) Hurst's the Heart : Pretest Self-Assessment and Review (9th Ed) Jerre Lutz, J. Willis Hurst / McGraw Hill / ハースト心臓病学 Pretest

Hurst's the Heart(8th Ed,1 Vol Set) Robert C., M.D. Schlant, R. Wayne, M.D. Alexander / McGraw Hill

Hurst's the Heart(8th Ed,2 Vol Set) / McGraw Hill /

Hurst's the Heart(8th Ed) : Companion Handbook Robert C., M.D. Schlant, R. Wayne, M.D. Alexander / McGraw Hill


Mayo Clinic Practice of Cardiology(3rd Ed) Emilio R. Giuliani (Editor), Bernard J. Gersh, Michael D. McGoon / Mosby


Cardiovascular Medicine James T., M.D. Willerson, Jay N., M.D. Cohn / Churchill Livingstone

Handbook of Cardiovascular Clinical Trials Shilpesh S. Patel, Jay N. Cohn, James T. Willerson / Churchill Livingstone

new58.gif (95 バイト) Comprehensive Cardiovascular Medicine Eric J. Topol , Robert M. Califf / Lippincott-Raven / 総合心血管医学

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Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine Eric J. Topol , Robert, Md. Califf , Jeffrey M., md Isner / Lippincott-Raven / 心血管医学テキストブック

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The Heart and Cardiovascular System(2nd Ed) : Scientific Foundations Harry A. Fozzard, Edgar Haber, Robert B. Jennings / Raven Press

The Developing Heart Bohuslav Ostadal (Editor), Makoto Nagano (Editor), Nobuakira Takeda / Lippincott-Raven

Cardiology Secrets Oliva Vynn Adair, Edward P. Havranek / Hanley & Belfus / 循環器病学の秘訣

new58.gif (95 バイト) Heart Disease in Primary Care Michael L. Hess , Andrea Hastillo / Williams & Wilkins / プライマリケアにおける心疾患

Heart Disease Diagnosis and Therapy : A Practical Approach M. Gabriel Khan, Henry J. L. Marriott / Williams & Wilkins / 心疾患の診断と治療 実践アプローチ

new58.gif (95 バイト) Multiple Risk Factors in Cardiovascular Disease : Strategies of Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease, Cardiac Failure, and Stroke (Medical Science Symposia Seriese 12) Antonio M. Gotto , Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini / Kluwer Academic Pub / 心血管疾患のリスクファクター

new58.gif (95 バイト) Preventive Cardiology Killian C. Robinson / Futura Pub


new52.gif (95 バイト) Direct Myocardial Revascularization : History, Methodology, Technology (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, 211) Peter Whittaker , George S. Abela / Kluwer Academic Pub / 直接心筋再潅流

new52.gif (95 バイト) Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Diseases (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, 212) Christoph A. Nienaber , Rossella Fattori / Kluwer Academic Pub / 大動脈疾患の診断と治療

new52.gif (95 バイト) Chest Pain With Normal Coronary Angiograms : Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Management (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, 213) Juan Carlos Kaski / Kluwer Academic Pub / 冠動脈造影に異常のない胸痛

new52.gif (95 バイト) Cardiovascular Specific Gene Expression (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, 214) Pieter A. Doevendans , Robert S. Reneman , Marc va Bilsen / Kluwer Academic Pub / 心血管に特異的な遺伝子発現

new52.gif (95 バイト) Atlas of Practical Cardiac Applications of MRI (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, Vol 215) Guillem Pons-Llado / Kluwer Academic Pub / 循環器疾患MRI臨床応用アトラス

new52.gif (95 バイト) Resource Utilization in Cardiac Disease (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, V. 216.) Lloyd W. Klein , James E. Calvin / Kluwer Academic Pub / 循環器疾患における資料活用

new52.gif (95 バイト) Contemporary Concepts in Cardiology : Pathophysiology and Clinical Management (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, V. 217,) Richard Gorlin / Kluwer Academic Pub / 循環器科の新しい考え方


new52.gif (95 バイト) Angiogenesis and Cardiovascular Disease J. Anthony Ware , Michael Simons / Oxford Univ Press / 血管形成と心血管異常



Ischemic Heart Disease : A Rational Basis for Clinical Practise and Clinical Research Attilio Maseri / Churchill Livingstone

Acute Coronary Care(2nd Ed) Robert M. Califf, Daniel B. Mark, Galen S. Wagner / Mosby / 冠動脈疾患ケア

Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease Valentin Fuster , Russell Ross , Eric J. Topol / Raven Press

new58.gif (95 バイト) Coronary Artery Stenosis(2nd Ed) K. Lance Gould / Lippincott-Raven / 冠動脈狭窄 第2版

The Practice of Coronary Disease Prevention Michael Miller, Robert A. Vogel / Williams & Wilkins / 冠動脈疾患予防の実際

new58.gif (95 バイト) Advanced Imaging in Coronary Artery Disease : PET, SPECT, MRI, IVUS, EBCT (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, V. 202) E. Van Der Wall , European Conference on Cardiac Pet Research / / 冠動脈疾患の最新画像診断

new52.gif (95 バイト) Direct Myocardial Revascularization : History, Methodology, Technology (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, 211) Peter Whittaker , George S. Abela / Kluwer Academic Pub / 直接心筋再潅流

new52.gif (95 バイト) Chest Pain With Normal Coronary Angiograms : Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Management (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, 213) Juan Carlos Kaski / Kluwer Academic Pub / 冠動脈造影に異常のない胸痛

new52.gif (95 バイト) Principles of Exercise Testing & Interpretation(3rd Ed) : Including Pathophysiology and Clinical Applications Karlman Wasserman , James E. Hansen, Darryl Y. Sue, Casaburi / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins / 運動負荷テストの原理と解釈 第3版 病態生理学と臨床応用

Manual of Exercise Testing(2nd Ed) Victor F. Froelicher / Mosby / 運動負荷試験マニュアル

Stress Testing(4th Ed) : Principles and Practice Ellestad, Myrvin H. Ellestad / F A Davis



Clinical Hypertension(7th Ed) Norman M. Kaplan, Ellin Lieberman / Williams & Wilkins / 臨床高血圧 第7版

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Hypertension(2nd Ed) : Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management John H., M.D. Laragh, Barry M., M.D. Brenner / Raven Press

Peripheral Vascular Diseases(2nd Ed) Jess R. Young , Jeffrey W. Olin , John R. Bartholomew / Mosby-Year Book / 末梢血管疾患 第2版



new52.gif (95 バイト) Arrhythmias(2nd Ed) John A. Kastor / W B Saunders / 不整脈 第2版

new52.gif (95 バイト) Arrhythmias (Managing Major Diseases) Kevin D. Dodds / Mosby-Year Book / 不整脈

new58.gif (95 バイト) Advanced Concepts in Arrhythmias(3rd Ed) Henry J. L. Marriott, Mary Boudreau Conover / Mosby-Year Book / 不整脈 最近の進歩

Atrial Fibrillation : Mechanisms and Management(2nd Ed) Rodney H. Falk , Philip J. Podrid / Lippincott-Raven

Cardiac Arrest : The Science and Practice of Resuscitation Medicine Norman A. Paradis , Henry R. Halperin , Richard M. Nowak / Williams & Wilkins



The Failing Heart Naranjan S. Dhalla, Robert E. Beamish, Takeda Nobuakira / Raven Press

new58.gif (95 バイト) Practical Approaches to the Treatment of Heart Failure Roger M. Mills , James B. Young / Williams & Wilkins / 心不全治療の実践アプローチ

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Cardiac Arrest : The Science and Practice of Resuscitation Medicine Norman A. Paradis , Henry R. Halperin , Richard M. Nowak / Williams & Wilkins

new58.gif (95 バイト) Sudden Cardiac Death in the Athlete N. A. Mark Estes , Deeb N. Salem , Paul J. Wang / Futura Pub



new58.gif (95 バイト) Cardiovascular Infections (Atlas of Infectious Diseases, Vol.10) Gerald L. Mandell , Oksana M. Korzeniowski / Churchill Livingstone

Infective Endocarditis(2nd Ed) Donald Kaye / Raven Press / 感染性心内膜炎



Moss and Adams Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and Adolescents(5th Ed) : Including the Fetus and Young Adult Arthur J. Moss, Forrest H. Adams, George C. Emmanouilides / Williams & Wilkins / モス・アダムス 幼児・小児・青年期の心疾患

new58.gif (95 バイト) Clinical Synopsis of Moss and Adams' Heart Disease in Infants, Children, and Adolescents : Including the Fetus and Young Adult George C. Emmanouilides / Williams & Wilkins / モス・アダムス 幼児・小児・青年期の心疾患 概要

The Science and Practice of Pediatric Cardiology(2nd Ed) Arthur, Jr. Garson , J. Timothy, Md. Bricker , dav Fisher / Williams & Wilkins / 小児心臓病学の基礎と臨床

Critical Heart Disease in Infants and Children David G. Nichols, Duke E. Cameron / Mosby-Year Book / 乳児・小児の重症心臓疾患

Nadas' Pediatric Cardiology Alexander S. Nadas, Donald C. Fyler / Hanley & Belfus / ナダス 小児心臓病学

Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners(3rd Ed) Myung K. Park / Mosby-Year Book / 臨床医のための小児心臓病学

The Pediatric Cardiology Handbook(2nd Ed) Myung K. Park / Mosby-Year Book / 小児心臓病学ハンドブック

new58.gif (95 バイト) Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Anthony C. Chang / Williams & Wilkins / 小児循環器集中治療

Pediatric Cardiac Surgery(2nd Ed) Constatine Mavroudis, Carl L. Backer / Mosby-Year Book / 小児循環器外科

new58.gif (95 バイト) A Guide to Pediatric Cardiovascular Physical Examination, Or, How to Survive an Outreach Clinic Colin K. L. Phoon /

new58.gif (95 バイト) Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy(3rd Ed) : Diagnosis and Management of Maternal and Fetal Disease Uri Elkayam , Norbert Gleicher / Wiley-Liss



new58.gif (95 バイト) Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy(3rd Ed) : Diagnosis and Management of Maternal and Fetal Disease Uri Elkayam , Norbert Gleicher / Wiley-Liss



Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology(2nd Ed) : Techniques and Interpretations Mark E. Josephson / Williams & Wilkins / 臨床心臓電気生理学

Clinical Electrocardiography(5th Ed) : A Simplified Approach Ary L., M.D. Goldberger, Emanuel, M.D. Goldberger, Ari L. Goldberger / Mosby / やさしい臨床心電図

Marriott's Practical Electrocardiography(9th Ed) Galen S. Wagner, Henry J. L. Marriott / Williams & Wilkins / マリオット臨床心電図

new58.gif (95 バイト) Pearls & Pitfalls in Electrocardiography(2nd Ed) : Pithy, Practical Pointers Henry J. L. Marriott / Williams & Wilkins / 心電図の要点と落とし穴 第2版

How to Read Pediatric ECGs(3rd Ed) Myung K., M.D. Park, Warren G., M.D. Guntheroth / Year Book Medical Pub / 小児心電図の読み方

new58.gif (95 バイト) Cardiac Arrhythmias, Pacing and Electrophysiology - The Expert View Panos E. Vardas / Kluwer Academic Pub / 不整脈・ペーシングと電気生理学

new58.gif (95 バイト) Clinical Guide to Cardiac Autonomic Tests (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, Vol. 206) Marek Malik / Kluwer Academic Pub / 心臓自律検査 臨床ガイド


new52.gif (95 バイト) Principles of Exercise Testing & Interpretation(3rd Ed) : Including Pathophysiology and Clinical Applications Karlman Wasserman , James E. Hansen, Darryl Y. Sue, Casaburi / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins / 運動負荷テストの原理と解釈 第3版 病態生理学と臨床応用

Manual of Exercise Testing(2nd Ed) Victor F. Froelicher / Mosby / 運動負荷試験マニュアル

Stress Testing(4th Ed) : Principles and Practice Ellestad, Myrvin H. Ellestad / F A Davis



Cardiovascular Physiology(4th Ed) David E. Mohrman, Lois Jane Heller / McGraw Hill

Cardiovascular Physiology(6th Ed) Robert M. Berne / Mosby-Year Book

Cardiovascular Physiology(7th Ed) Robert M. Berne, Matthew N. Levy / Mosby-Year Book / 心臓血管の生理学

Pathophysiology of Heart Disease(2nd Ed) : A Collaborative Project of Medical Students and Faculty Leonard S., Md. Lilly / Williams & Wilkins / 心臓病の病態生理学

Cardiovascular Physiology (Raven Press Series in Physiology) / Hardcover Jon Goerke, Allan H. Mines / Raven Press

Cardiovascular Physiology (Raven Press Series in Physiology) / Softcover Jon Goerke, Allan H. Mines / Raven Press

Physiology of the Heart(2nd Ed) Arnold M. Katz / Raven Press

The Heart(2nd Ed) : Physiology and Metabolism Lionel H. Opie / Raven Press

Atlas of the Myocardium Roberto Ferrari, Lionel H. Opie / Raven Press

Heart Cell Communication in Health and Disease (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, Vol 200) Walmor C. De Mello , Michiel Johannes Janse / Kluwer Academic Pub / 心臓の細胞間情報伝達

Cardiopulmonary Physiology in Anesthesiology Michael G. Levitzky, Stanley M. Hall, Kathleen H. McDonough / McGraw Hill

The Cellular Basis of Cardiovascular Function in Health and disease Pawan K. Singal , Vincenzo Panagia , Grant N. Pierce / Kluwer Academic Pub / 心血管機能の細胞学的基礎 正常と異常



new58.gif (95 バイト) Practical Cardiovascular Pathology Mary N. Sheppard, Michael J. Davies / Oxford Univ Press

Diagnostic Criteria for Cardiovascular Pathology : Acquired Diseases Sherman Bloom , J. T. Lie , Malcolm D. Silver / Lippincott-Raven

Cardiovascular Pathology (Major Problems in Pathology, Vol 23) Renu Virmani, James B. Atkinson, John J. Fenoglio / W B Saunders

Atlas of Cardiovascular Pathology (Atlases in Diagnostic Surgical Pathology) Renu Virmani, Allen Burke, Andrew Farb / W B Saunders

Interventional and Surgical Cardiovascular Pathology : Clinical Correlations and Basic Principles Frederick J. Schoen / W B Saunders

Pathophysiology of Heart Disease(2nd Ed) : A Collaborative Project of Medical Students and Faculty Leonard S., Md. Lilly / Williams & Wilkins / 心臓病の病態生理学

Tumors of the Heart and Great Vessels (Atlas of Tumor Pathology, 3rd Series, Vol 16) Allen Burke, Renu Virmani / Amer Registry of Pathology



Cardiovascular Pharmacology(3rd Ed) Michael J. Antonaccio /  Raven Press

Cardiovascular Drugs and the Management of Heart Disease(2nd Ed) Gordon A. Ewy, Rubin Bressler / Raven Press

Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapeutics William H. Frishman, Edmund H. Sonnenblick / McGraw Hill

Clinical Cardiovascular Pharmacology William Frishman / Year Book Medical Pub

Drugs for the Heart(5th Ed) Lionel H., M.D. Opie, D. Phil / Harcourt

The Pharmacologic Management of Heart Disease Joel, MD Kupersmith , Prakash C., MD Deedwania / Williams & Wilkins / 心疾患の薬物療法

Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology(2nd Bk&Dk Ed) : A Handbook for Cardiopulmonary Cynthia L. Howder / Williams & Wilkins / 心肺薬理学

Cardiac Anesthesia(3rd Ed) Joel A. Kaplan / W B Saunders


Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy(3rd Ed) Scot Irwin, Jan Stephen Tecklin / Mosby-Year Book / 心肺疾患 理学療法



Cardiac Radiology : The Requisites (Requisites in Radiology Series) Stephen W. Miller / Mosby-Year Book / 必須 心臓放射線学

Echocardiography(5th Ed) Harvey M.D. Feigenbaum / Williams & Wilkins / ファイゲンバウム心エコー図

Principles and Practice of Echocardiography(2nd Ed) Arthur E. Weyman / Lea & Febiger / 心エコー 理論と実際

Pediatric Echocardiography Norman H. Silverman / Williams & Wilkins / 小児心エコー

Transesophageal Echocardiography : Basic Principles and Clinical Applications Arthur J., M.D. Labovitz, Anthony C., M.D. Pearson / Williams & Wilkins / 経食道心エコー 基本原理と臨床応用

new58.gif (95 バイト) Atlas of Transesophageal Echocardiography Navin C. Nanda, Michael J. Domanski / Williams & Wilkins / 経食道心エコー検査

Doppler Echocardiography(2nd Ed) Navin C. Nanda / Lea & Febiger / ドップラー心エコー検査法

A Practical Guide to Fetal Echocardiography Alfred Abuhamad / Lippincott-Raven

Nuclear Cardiology : State of the Art and Future Directions Barry L., M.D. Zaret, George A., M.D. Beller / Mosby / 心臓核医学

Cardiac Nuclear Medicine(3rd Ed) Myron C. Gerson / McGraw Hill / 心臓核医学

Monoclonal Antibodies in Cardiovascular Diseases Ban-An Khaw, Jagat Narula, H. William Strauss / Williams & Wilkins / 心臓病とモノクローナル抗体

new52.gif (95 バイト) Atlas of Practical Cardiac Applications of MRI (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, Vol 215) Guillem Pons-Llado / Kluwer Academic Pub / 循環器疾患MRI臨床応用アトラス

new58.gif (95 バイト) Advanced Imaging in Coronary Artery Disease : PET, SPECT, MRI, IVUS, EBCT (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, V. 202) E. Van Der Wall , European Conference on Cardiac Pet Research / / 冠動脈疾患の最新画像診断

Non-Invasive Imaging of Atherosclerosis (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine, 199) Michele Mercuri , David D. McPherson, Bassiouny / Kluwer Academic Pub / アテローム硬化の非侵襲的画像診断

Vascular Diagnosis With Ultrasound : Doppler and Color Duplex Sonography of the Greater Arteries and Veins Doris Neuerburg-Heusler, Michael Hennerici / Thieme Medical Pub / 超音波血管診断

Peripheral Vascular Sonography : A Practical Guide Joseph F. Polak / Williams & Wilkins / 末梢血管の超音波画像診断



The Practice of Interventional Cardiology(2nd Ed) John H. K. Vogel, Spencer B. King / Mosby / インターベンショナル・カルディオロジーの実際

The Interventional Cardiac Catheterization Handbook Morton J., MD Kern , Ubeydullah, MD Deligonul / Mosby / 心臓カテーテル技術ハンドブック

The Cardiac Catheterization Handbook(2nd Ed) Morton J. Kern / Mosby / 心臓カテーテルハンドブック

new58.gif (95 バイト) The Cardiac Catheterization Handbook(3rd Ed) Morton J. Kern / Mosby-Year Book / 心臓カテーテルハンドブック 第3版

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cardiac Catheterization(2nd Ed) James A. Hill, Charles R. Lambert , Carl J. And Associates Pepine / Williams & Wilkins / 心臓カテーテル-診断と治療



Manual of Cardiac Surgery(2nd Ed) Bradley J. Harlan, Albert Starr, Fredric M. Harwin / Springer Verlag

Atlas of Cardiothoracic Surgery David C. Sabiston / W B Saunders

The Johns Hopkins Manual of Cardiac Surgical Care William S. Baumgartner, Sharon G. Owens, Duke E. Cameron / Mosby-Year Book / 心臓外科患者ケア・ジョンスホプキンス・マニュアル

Cardiopulmonary Bypass G, Glenn P., M.D. Gravlee, Richard F., M.D. Davis / Williams & Wilkins / 心肺バイパス-理論と実際

Atlas of Aortic Surgery G. Melville Williams, Leon Schlossberg / Williams & Wilkins / 大動脈外科

Color Atlas of Congenital Heart Surgery S. Bert Litwin / Mosby / 先天性心疾患カラーアトラス

Pediatric Cardiac Surgery(2nd Ed) Constatine Mavroudis, Carl L. Backer / Mosby / 小児循環器外科

Vascular Access(3rd Ed) : Principles and Practice Samuel E. Wilson / Mosby / 血管外科-理論と実際

Peripheral Vascular Diseases(2nd Ed) Jess R. Young , Jeffrey W. Olin , John R. Bartholomew / Mosby-Year Book



Cardiac Anesthesia(3rd Ed) Joel A. Kaplan / W B Saunders

Anesthesia for Cardiac Surgery(2nd Ed) James A., Md. Dinardo / Appleton & Lange

Anesthesia for Aortic Surgery Joseph I. Simpson / Butterworth-Heinemann Medical



Stedman's Cardiology & Pulmonary Words (Stedman's Word Books)(2nd Ed) Helen Littrell /  Williams & Wilkins




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Amazon.comでは、ネットスケープ社のNetscape Secure Commerce Serverを使用しています。このセキュアサーバでは、お客様が入力した情報のすべてが暗号化されるため、安心してクレジットカード番号のすべてをご入力いただけます。お客様の大切な情報は安全に転送、保存され、その途中で情報が漏れることはありません。


この場合には、オーダーフォーム内のお支払い方法のところで「pay by check(小切手での支払い)」を選択します。現在のところ、米ドル立ての郵便為替、または、アメリカの銀行で引き落とせる米ドル小切手で、下側部分にマイクロエンコードされた9ケタの銀行ルーティン番号(ABA Code)が記載されたものに限り受け付けております。ご注文後、金額相当分をお送り下さい。この場合には、引き落としが確認できるまで商品の発送ができないため、商品をお届けするのが少し遅くなることをご了承下さい。

この方法であえれば、インターネットでクレジットカード番号すべてをご入力いただかなくても、クレジットカードがご利用いただけます。 オーダーフォームには、クレジットカードの下5ケタの番号と有効期限だけをご入力いただくだけで結構です。下5ケタであれば、セキュアサーバを使うことができない場合でもクレジットカードの番号は完全に保護されており、ご注文内容の手配も迅速にすすめることができます。 その後、下記の連絡先へ電話またはファクスにて、クレジットカードのすべての番号とお名前をお知らせください。

電話番号  (800) 201-7575
(206) 266-2992
ファクス番号 (206) 266-2950



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リバージュ品川米国 Amazon.com社 提携洋書取扱店
ドイツ 3B Scientific社 人体模型取扱店
イスラエル Babylon社 オンライン辞書取扱店
ナガイレーベン社 白衣・ナースウェア取扱店
東京都公安委員会許可 第301109701052号

〒108-0075 東京都港区港南4-1-10 リバージュ品川 701


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