English Lab

Welcome to the English Teacher's Lab

Please challenge my English questions. I'm sure you'll have some fun.

This page will provide you some of the English test I've made for these 15 years and also introduce some of my English puns. You will see what kind of reading materials we give at our school.

Collection of English Riddles

If you give more than 19 correct answers, you will be awarded with herb seeds or plants grown in my garden.

The test I made for the past year(For 1 year students)

1st term-end English test-- --2nd term-end English test--2nd term-end grammar test-- 2nd term-end reading test----1st term-end grammar test

The collection of the old tests I made

3年英語2学期中間2-- 1年2学期文法期末--3年サイドリーダー春-- --1年英語1学期中間--3年2学期中間-- 1年英語1学期期末---- --1年英語2学期中間--I have a dream-- 1年英語2学期期末--外国文化テスト-- --1年英語3学期期末--2年英語1学期期末-- --2年英語2学期中間--外国文化テスト2-- 2年英語3学期--3年2学期英語2B--

Sites I recommend for your study

ホーム頁へ 同階層の左頁へ 一階層上の頁へ 同階層の右頁へ トップ頁へ